IT Support & Junior Front-end Developer

(Pronunciation : /ʀɔmɛ̃, ɛn/ /bɑː/)

Previously full-time IT Support for the SAFER BFC in Dijon.

Before that, EVS Volunteer for Green Association in Momin Prohod, Bulgaria, and before this, full-time Front-end Developer at university of Burgundy in Dijon, France.

With great powers coming great responsibilities, I was in charge of the entire website stock for 3 years (±90 Joomla & WordPress), at the heart of the communication service.

I transform mock-ups into websites : from old websites needing to be renovated to brand new projects.

I love being helpful to people, and enjoy solving co-workers support tickets (throw me a stone if you think you can think like someone else).

My previous job allowed my to educate people, training them to be better at handling the web.

Today and thanks to the European Volunteering Service, I ventured in places I could never have imagined. I spent a year being useful to a lot of people, discovering about the others, myself, and I feel now richer than ever.